... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis: 01/01/2008 - 02/01/2008

... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis

What's going on up here anyhow?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Basket Boy

Theo was playing peek-a-boo with his Memaw this afternoon. What fun!!

1/2 day, snow day

Andy doesn't have to be to work until 10am today, so we sent him back to bed. He doesn't get the luxury of a nice, afternoon nap like the rest of us do. Theo has been waking up at 6:30am, no matter when we put him to bed, so Andy has had a lot of extra stuff to do in the mornings. He got up and fed Theo this morning while I nursed Penny and then he went back to bed once my mom and I were up.

As you can see from the picture, a lot of our snow melted last night. What a disappointment! I was hoping to have Andy home with us all day long. At least with a delay, he will have time to rest instead of being busy with us all day. He doesn't have to get up for 20 more minutes. I guess Penelope heard that someone was going to take a nap because she went back to sleep, too.

This is a video of Theo eating his oatmeal and bananas this morning. Sorry it's sideways. I always forget that I can't take video vertically. It's still pretty cute, if you ask me.

Monday, January 28, 2008

A Shower for Penelope

Today was a teacher in-service day for Andy, so Theo, Penny and I went to join him for lunch. The teachers at BCS were throwing a shower for Penelope and generously gave us some very nice clothes, toys and books. It is awesome to be a part of such a supportive and loving staff. I thank God often for bringing us to be here and for giving Andy such a great job.

Penny is still doing well. She is still a peaceful, sleepy baby and we do often have to wake her up to eat. She tends to stay awake after eating for a 1/2 hour - 45 minutes and has bright, wide eyes that are taking in all of her new world. I haven't weighed her in a few days, but her skin is pink and her eyes are bright and clear, so I'm sure she's doing well. Andy is changing her diaper right now to wake her up for her dinner. I'd better go get ready to feed her.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Taking Penny to Church

Andy and I went to church with Penny this morning (sorry there aren't any pictures). Theo has a runny nose (it's almost gone) and my mom had a little sore throat, so they stayed home and played together. Everyone at church loved seeing her and couldn't believe we were out and about so quickly after the birth. I am actually feeling incredibly well and am so blessed to have people here to be with Theo. I can take a nap whenever I'm feeling tired and snuggle with Penelope in the bed.

Today has been a pretty lazy day. After church, we ate some chicken and Theo went on a nice, long walk with his Memaw. I missed the sunny part of the day because I was sleeping!!

Now we're about to have some dinner and hang out together for the evening.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

A week apart!

Our friends Aaron and Suzanne had their son last night! He and Andy will share the same birthday. His name is Asa Steele and he is 7 lbs. 4 oz. and 20 1/2 inches. It's amazing that the kids are exactly a week apart because our due dates were exactly a week apart and we were both 5 days early!! The whole family is doing well and are staying at the hospital and trying to get some sleep.

We just got home from seeing Asa in person and he is gorgeous! His skin is so soft and pink and he has the cutest short, blond hair. He looks a lot like his Daddy and I can't wait to see him awake. It really is fun to have more new babies in our group of friends.

(strangely.....my mom and I saw Aaron at Costco yesterday (he works there) and he told us how excited he was for the baby to come. I can't believe he was born that very same day!)

Friday, January 25, 2008

Theo can make his top work!

Theo got an old-fashioned, metal top from his Grandpa (Andy's dad) for Christmas. He loved it from the start and would ask us to spin it for him all the time. Earlier this week, he figured out how to make it work all on his own. He is so proud of himself and pretty much plays with it non-stop in the evenings.

Since Penelope was born, it's been even more exciting to see Theo learning new things and perfecting his skills (ex: eating with a spoon, talking, and walking by himself to the car to get in his seat). I didn't believe anyone when they said he would seem instantly grown up to me once the baby was born. They were right. He wore slacks and outdoor shoes (he usually wears sweatpants and soft-soled shoes) today and he looked nearly 3-years old. While nursing his sister, it's hard not to lament that my little boy is growing up and changing so fast.

I'm sure I'll say the very same things about her in just a few months.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Penny's pictures

A friend here in Bellingham is a photographer and wanted to practice taking newborn pics. She came this morning and took pictures of Penelope and they turned out really, really cute. You can see the proofs on her website if you want. The website is www.pavlinaortiz.com and you click on client proofs. The username is Penny and the password is newborn. I'm hoping to have her come take some pictures of the kids together sometime. The 2 little boys on her website are hers. Aren't they adorable?

Well, dinner is ready, so I've gotta go eat. We've had a great day and all had a 2 hr. nap this afternoon (Penny on my chest and Theo in the rocking chair with his Memaw) and it was fabulous!!! Last night was awful (Theo is cutting his lower canine teeth and Penny was just eating and eating and eating and eating before she really wanted to go to sleep for the night), so we all needed some extra rest today.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Our day on our own

Sandy left this morning and my mom won't be coming until tomorrow, so we had this whole day alone...just the 4 of us. It was great to see a little of what it will be like once all of our helpers have gone home, but I think it made us even more glad that help is still on the way. Both kids (and the 2 of us) slept from 2-4pm which felt wonderful.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Visitors abound

We've had several visitors already today. What a wonderful thing it is to introduce Penelope to our friends. Megan, the "coffee gal" from Dancing for Joy, came by today and held our little wonder. It was fun because Megan and I share an interest in natural childbirth and have both read a very funny (and touching) book that I recommend people read (it's called Babycatcher by Peggy Vincent). She brought a hot cocoa for me and a mocha for Sandy and Theo loved playing with her.

The Dierdorffs were also able to come by. The kids didn't have school today, so they brought some gifts for Theo and for Penny. Theo got a really cute stuffed cow and some baby books. Penny got a very cute (and totally girly) outfit.

We aren't expecting any more visitors for an hour or so. My friend Leah and her husband Steven want to come visit us.

Andy said that he was going to go do some grocery shopping for my client, Hazel, but Sandy misunderstood and hear him say, "I'm going to go do some tazer shopping." instead of , "I'm going to go do some Hazel shopping." We decided that we could just tazer any unwelcome guests who showed up at the door!! Luckily, all of our friends and family are welcome and there will be no weapons necessary!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

As the milk flows.....so do the emotions

Jim, Michelle, Deryck, and Ashley were able to come and see Penelope today. This is the best we could do to get 4 kids to look at the camera and/or smile. They're pretty cute, right?

Ann came by to check on Penny and me this afternoon. My minor tear is healing perfectly and Penny hasn't lost much weight since she was born (she's about 7 lbs. 2 oz. now). Ann mentioned to Andy that my milk would be coming in soon and that sometimes women become teary and emotional more easily during this very hormonal couple of days. She didn't assume I would have any huge problems (i.e. postpartum depression), but she told Andy that my stress should be minimized and just to take good care of me. He always does. This afternoon I noticed that Penny had drips of milk on her face after eating. The milk is here! It is so satisfying to know that I am feeding her from my body and that there is actually food in there to eat now! She has been peaceful, sleepy, and satisfied.

This evening I took a bath with some wonderful herbs in it and just took some time to myself for resting, reading, and letting my body work on healing. Theo was desperate to get into the bath with me, but Andy felt I (and my slightly torn body) deserved a soak alone. Theo finally went and played with his toys and I sat in the tub for a while. After I was done, Theo was still very eager to see me. I needed to get dressed and he wanted none of that. I dressed quickly (in my new nursing PJs that Andy got me for Christmas....so pretty and comfortable) and went to hold Theo for a while. Gross.....he had pooped (for about the 4th time today!) and it was up his back a little bit. I went to change him, but Sandy and Andy gave me Penelope instead and started wrangling the boy. It is impossible for me to hear him cry and not feel guilty that I can't attend to him only. My heart has grown in capacity for love for both of my kids, but I sometimes do feel badly for Theo when I feel that he "needs" me and I'm not available. Sandy plopped him in the tub while he screamed, he refused to sit down, and I stood in the bedroom holding Penny and crying. I just felt like a bad mom. Why don't I have more arms??? more speed???? more ability??? Andy came into the room with me and worked his magic like only he can. I am so blessed to have him. He reminded me that I am not the answer to all that ails Theo. If Penny weren't here, I would be in the bathroom with him....bathing him standing up while he screamed at ME! He wasn't mad at me, he was just mad. All that Andy said made me laugh and realize how right he was. Minutes later, Theo was happily sitting in the tub playing with his toys (even after all of the bath water had gone down the drain) and even happily put on his diaper and PJs while Andy and Sandy sang a rousing rendition of "The Ants Go Marching 1 by 1". A peaceful end to a very short, but tense moment.

Penny is in the co-sleeper snoozing and I'm just about to brush my teeth and go join her in bed. 8:45pm seems like just the right time to head to sleep tonight. Ann was right. The milk and the emotions are flowing....most of them sweet, tender and thankful.

Thank you Lord for this opportunity to love my growing family and be loved by them. Thank you for this man to help carry me through the changes and for my son who continually shows me he loves me and that he can also be loved by others in my absense. Thank you, too, for our new little girl and the peace she radiates as she rests in our arms. What a day!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Penelope May's Birth Story (warning...very long!)

Where do I start...I went to Bible Study on Wednesday morning at 9:30am. We had group discussion and then watched a video from 10:30-11:30. During the video, I started to feel really uncomfortable. I was surprised because I wasn't due for another week and labor with Theo had started with my water breaking. The contractions were coming fairly close together and I actually went to the back of the room to squat through them and walk in between. I was starting to get a little bit concerned because I had an interpreting job that afternoon and Andy was supposed to leave on a school retreat on Wednesday evening. I called Andy at work and he decided that he would come home as soon as he could and that he would not be going on the retreat. I was skeptical that this was really labor. Andy came home, we timed contractions for a few hours (4 min. apart, lasting for 45sec to 1min), and decided to call our parents (who live about 2 1/2 hours away). Andy, Theo and I went and walked the mall (productive, but boring), went to eat at Red Robin (why did I want a greasy hamburger and fries?), and then walked the mall again. Our parents arrived (both of mine and Andy's mom) and we all decided that we should try to go to bed (at midnight). I slept fitfully, but was able to sleep until 5:30am. My parents, of course, were flying out to Kansas for my aunt's 50th birthday (as a surprise) and needed to leave our house by 8:30am to get to the airport.

As you can guess.....no baby by 8:30am, so they left (after we assured them that we would call if anything happened and that we wouldn't hate them forever for needing to leave) and we went to an appt. with our midwife at 9am.So, we're at our midwife's appt. and she does an exam. I was only 2-3cm dilated and 50% effaced although I'd been regularly contracting (at a comfortable, but noticeable intensity) for almost 24 hours. So, even though I was discouraged and feeling stupid for having called our parents and made them drive up all excited for nothing, we had to get on with our day. Luckily, Andy was home from work (since he didn't go on the retreat) and we didn't have anything on our schedule. Andy, his mom, Theo and I went to Toddler Time at the park (indoors) and saw a few friends and their kids there. They couldn't believe I was there while laboring, but I couldn't fully explain to them that I was fine and that (in my opinion) nothing was happening. After Toddler Time, we went to lunch at the deli near our house (it was Thursday....cheesy cauliflower soup day!) and then headed home to put Theo down for a nap and try to get some rest. Andy's mom had a meeting at work, so she decided to head for home (more driving....ack!) and I went to take a nap. Around 3:00 we went to Fred Meyer to do some more walking (it couldn't hurt, right?). We headed over to the Balloun's for dinner at 4pm and had fun hanging out with O.Shane and Michele, watching Lucas and Theo play, and having great food (spicy chili...yum!) and great conversation. We left around 7:30pm and headed home to put Theo to bed and get some rest.

As soon as we got home, I had 3 or 4 contractions very close together and realized that things might be changing. I was still so unsure that any of this was "real" labor or that we'd be meeting our baby any time soon. Andy suggested that we start a puzzle we'd picked up earlier in the day (mostly so he could watch me during the contractions and so I would have something else to think about other than what was happening). Around 8:30pm, it was clear that we needed to find someone to take care of Theo. Our parents were either out of state or several hours away, so we had to think fast. Our friend, Tracy, was ready to come right away and stayed with Theo, put him to bed, did some laundry, and waited for Andy's folks to drive up from down south. She was such a godsend!! Theo knows her well (from church) and always has so much fun with her. I was completely at peace knowing that Theo would be sleeping while we were gone and that I trusted the people caring for him if he happened to wake up.We headed to the Bellingham Birth Center (freestanding center run by midwives) at 10pm and Ann (our midwife) checked my dilation....4. Hmmm....not what I wanted to hear.

So, I felt like a fool and really wanted to go back home. I felt like I had already wasted my parents' time on Wednesday and now I felt like I had wasted both Tracy's time and my in-laws. About a 1/2 hour after we got there, we overheard Ann on the phone with another midwife explaining that we were there and that another family was coming in soon. The birth center has 2 rooms and they were both going to get used tonight AND we were both clients of the same midwife. Weird, right? I hopped into the tub and thought I'd be able to relax there and get some sleep, but it just didn't feel right and I kept obsessing about what an inconvenience I was being and how I wasn't really in labor. Ann suggested that Andy and I just lie down and try to get some rest there at the birth center. We slept for about 2 hours and I was in a completely different frame of mind. I was excited about this birth, ready to meet the baby, and didn't even consider if anyone was being "inconvenienced". That was at about 12:30pm. Andy and I started walking the halls, dancing together during contractions, and humming, moaning and singing.

This was a completely different experience than my labor with Theo. During his labor, I crawled inside myself and laid in the tub for hours and hours like I was asleep. I had a running dialogue with God that I would keep up my end of the bargain and try to keep myself calm if He would keep me and the baby from dying during all of this pain and uncertainty. This time I felt compelled to sing, dance, and make all kinds of crazy noise during the contractions. During Theo's birth, I hadn't wanted anyone to talk to me or touch me, but this time I felt very connected to Andy and wanted him to kiss me, hug me, and continue reassuring me. I loved Theo's birth, but this experience was very powerful for my marriage and I really felt like it was more honoring of my husband's role as a father and a husband. He even cried part way through the labor because he was letting himself realize that we would be meeting our new child very, very soon.

Around 2am, Ann checked me again and I was only dilated to 6cm. At about 2am, the contractions were getting really powerful and I got back into the tub. I had read somewhere (I think in an Ina May Gaskin book) that some people call the warm tub the "midwife's epidural". It did make everything much more manageable and I was able to feel more rested between the contractions. Things went on like that for the next 2 1/2 hours. Andy sat beside me on the floor and I laid in the tub. We sang (mostly hymns...that's all we knew the words to), I moaned, and I even tried smiling and making this crazy high to low moan noise that really helped (but I know it must've sounded so crazy). At about 4:30am, Andy said, "I'm going to stay right here with you, but I'm tired and I need to lie down." I said, "Ok." Andy heard me moving around and realized I was rolling over onto my hands and knees in the water. He tried to help me, but I was already done. Eloysia (a midwifery student who was assisting Ann with our birth) was with us while Ann was in the other room with another laboring family. She asked, "Do you feel like pushing?" I replied by screaming, pushing, and pooping what Andy describes as a really big poop. I'd felt like I needed to poop for a long time and had tried several times, so I'm not surprised. After the poop, I pushed again and out came her head. One more push and there she was. Ann caught her, passed her under my legs in the water, and handed her to me. We cried, covered her up, and finally looked to see what sex she is. A girl. Unbelievable.

Andy has 3 brothers, his dad has 3 brothers and 1 sister, and only 2 of them have any daughters. His family is heavily weighted toward boys. His mom is especially thrilled to have a granddaughter. My parents now have 3 granddaughters and 2 grandsons between me and my 2 brothers. I also have a sister, but she and her husband do not have any children.

When Theo was born, I had a 4th degree tear and had to go to the hospital 2 hours after his birth to have tons of stitches (they didn't tell me how many, but it took over a 1/2 hour just for the suturing). This time, she came so fast that I was sure I had torn badly again. I was wrong. I just had a simple 1st degree tear that will heal on its own. No stitches at all!!

We were home and resting by 8:30am and Theo is very curious about his new "baby", as he calls her. We're going to really enjoy this process of readjusting to our new family size and dimension. What a miracle this all has been. I feel so blessed to have been able to be a part of God's creative process again.

Here are the official specs again:

Penelope May Lewis

Born: Friday, January 18, 2008

Weight: 7 lbs. 10 1/2 oz.

Length: 19 3/4 inches

Friday, January 18, 2008

It worked again!!!!

And this time it's a girl!

--- I promise this is a new baby, but it sure does look like she's related to her brother :) ---

Thursday, January 17, 2008

T - ??

**UPDATE 8pm: Still contracting, but more intensely and the contractions are closer together. Pray for patience, speed, and ability to cope.

We just came home from our midwife's house and I am in pre/early labor. Hard labor could happen in the next few hours OR in the next couple of days. Who knows! Andy wasn't able to go on his retreat (so I get to have him home with me!), so we're just going to keep walking, enjoying time together, and eating/resting well. We'll let you know when something changes.

The body is a miraculous thing. All of these contractions are not too comfortable and they are very tiring. I know that, even though it sometimes doesn't feel like it, they are productive and they are doing their hard work. I will just focus on continuing to nourish the baby, nourish myself, and let the contractions keep doing what they do.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

T - ?

I've been having contractions since 10:30am, so we're going on about 12 hours of mild, tolerable labor. We're going to try to get some sleep and see what happens during the night.

If you're reading this, please pray that the baby continues to make its way into the world and that we are able to be calm, positive, and not too impatient.


T - 9 & 8 days

*These are the ultrasound pictures we had done on July 18th when the baby was soooooo tiny. I can't even picture how big he or she is now. I guess I'll see for myself soon enough!

I dropped the ball and didn't post yesterday. I had a busy (but fun) day of shopping for my elderly client, delivering her groceries, going on a walk with Kristin and Zachary, and going over to Michele and Lucas' house for a playdate. In the evening I went and taught my dance classes and then took a bath when I got home. No computer time at all! Please forgive me.

So, we're about 10ish days away from meeting the baby and we're really excited. To add to the excitement...Andy is going on a school retreat from tonight until Friday afternoon. Please don't worry. He'll have a cell phone and an extra car up on Mt. Baker. He can rush home any time if I need him (he'll be about an hour and a 1/2 away). I am so glad he'll have this chance to hang out with his students outside of the classroom and I'm glad Theo and I will have time to just hang out as a pair for a couple of days.

We have Bible Study this morning, so we'd better get moving or we'll be late (I think I'm late every week!).

Have a great Wednesday!

Monday, January 14, 2008

T - 10 days

We've had another calm evening at home. Theo and I went to our last day working at the homeschool program that I teach for. We're usually there from 9:15am-2:15pm every Monday, so it will be strange not to go next week.

No baby news (yet again), but we can distinctly feel the baby's back between my front and right side. It's in a good position for birth, so we'll just hope it stays that way. We've talked a little more about baby names and are coming close to having names chosen. I had forgotten how hard it is to pick a name that you won't mind saying 100+ times a day for your child's entire life. I have to remind myself that Theodore was himself the moment we named him and I can't imagine him being called anything else.

Theo took himself for a "hay ride" on the silo of his Little People farm this evening. He comes up with the most creative (and unsafe) way to use his toys. I'll have to make sure and keep his little baby brother or sister up off of the floor until they are large enough to scream for help. He really likes to sit on things. :)

Sunday, January 13, 2008

T - 11 days

We've finished all of our house organizing/getting ready for baby projects except for 2 tiny, little latches on a couple of small drawers in the bathroom. We even have stuff hung on the walls! Not bad for having lived here for 2 years, right? :)

Now Theo is completely tuckered out (that's him sleeping in his dinner) and I've put him to bed. I'm just about to kiss my mom and dad goodbye (Andy left about 30 min. ago to go play drums on a friend's worship team) and then I'm going to lie down myself and read or take a nap.

We've "done the good" as Andy's Grandmother would say. All that we needed to do is more than done and we even did lots of things we didn't even know we needed to do.

Now we can sit back, relax, rest, and wait for the baby to be ready to come. Oh....and we all still have to go to work and keep doing regular life, too. Don't worry.....we'll take time to take good care of ourselves.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

T - 12 days

Today we're all tired. It's not just me either. Our parents (both sets) were here today to help us with house projects to get ready for the baby. I can't believe how much was accomplished. We still have a couple of small things to do tomorrow (my folks are still here and will head home tomorrow). Theo has been having so much fun "helping" with the power tools and picking up things off of the floor. We all went to Busara for dinner and, other than that, we haven't really stopped moving all day. Here are a few pictures of Theo "helping".

Friday, January 11, 2008

T-13 days

The grandparents are coming today. I have some pre-cleaning and organizing to do so that cleaning and organizing team can be effective!

Wish me luck!!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

T - 14 days

Here's Theo on his very 1st morning on the outside! 10-28-06 (about 12-15 hours old)

I am tired.

I don't remember being this tired when I was at the end of pregnancy with Theo, but I also wasn't chasing Theo around, so there's no comparison! We had a playdate with a friend this morning and ended up staying for lunch, too. I am so grateful for the generosity of friends who entertain you AND feed you. We came home, changed Theo's diaper and both went straight down for a nice, long nap. Boy do I feel lazy. Nothing has been accomplished at home and I feel like the proverbial wife who worries that her husband will come home and think, "Hmmm...I wonder what she's been doing all day!" I know that Andy doesn't think that, but it is tempting to criticize myself and forget that he is a loving, generous person who knows I am growing a person inside of me!

We're off to watch part of Andy's 1st basketball game of the season. He coaches for his school and the boys' game tipped off about 15 minutes ago. If we leave now, we can catch some of the action.

No contractions today at all. Just tiredness. All of our moms and dads are coming tomorrow to help us get the house ready for the baby. We'll be washing all of the little newborn clothes tonight so we know what we still need before the baby comes. Haveing a late August baby and then a late January baby probably means we'll need to buy a few long-sleeved things for this little one (despite the fact that we have TONS of clothes from when Theo was born). I don't mind. It will be fun to shop the clearance rack for a few little things.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

T-15 days and counting!

*Here is a picture of Theo enjoying his new Radio Flyer Scoot About that he got from a couple of Andy's students for Christmas. He especially likes the little bell. It keeps him (and us) entertained to see him walking around on it. He doesn't quite "ride" it, but he will figure it all out soon. He always does.
There are 15 days left in our pregnancy if we estimate from a Jan. 24th due date (our due date has never been firm as our midwife, and we, believe that the baby will come when it comes and that the dates are not very important). I just had to pick a date so I could start my blog countdown!

Theo and I went to La Leche League this morning and saw some of our favorite natural parenting friends! Theo has stopped nursing (for now... I secretly hope he'll start again once the milk comes in for the baby). He nursed once last Saturday, but he hasn't any other time in the last week. It is bittersweet for me. I'm sure I should be enjoying the autonomy, but it's hard to think of yourself as an autonomous person when your belly is housing a little life. It is just another indicator that he is continually growing up and apart from the place he started, inside of me.

We spent our afternoon hours snuggling and napping together on the bed. It is nice that he will go to sleep without nursing, but it does involve one or both of us lying down on our bed with him until he relaxes enough to fall asleep. It took about 15 minutes today, but we were able to sleep for 2 hours, so it was a small price to pay.

We will all be home this evening (doesn't happen very often these days with our busy schedules) and it will be nice to spend some time together. Andy will be home in 2 hours, so I'd like to have the chores and dinner finished by then. If I'm finished, we can have a nice, relaxing evening together. I think that's a goal worth working for!

So far, no productive contractions or other indicators that the baby will be coming soon. My body is sore sometimes and I can feel my energy decreasing and my need for rest is more and more evident. I am trying to spend these last few weeks playing with Theo, working when necessary, eating well, and giving myself time to rest and grace when I don't accomplish the tasks I think I should.

I'll keep you posted!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Isaac Scott Bishop & other babies to come

We just got a call from Nathan that he and Mandy's son has been born! Isaac Scott came into the world yesterday and both mom and baby are doing well. It was quite the involved labor, so I was so glad to hear that they both came through the process well.

Yesterday I went to breakfast with our friend, Suzanne, and her baby is due around the same time as ours. It will be so fun to have tiny babies together.

We're babysitting for our friend, Kristin, today while she goes to a prenatal appt. herself. Her son, Zachary, is a few months older than Theo and we see them several times a week while when we walk the trail together.

It seems like families are growing all over the place and I am really excited that our own baby will be coming out soon! This is a really wonderful time of life when our friends are having babies and we're having babies. It means there is always a lot of change happening, but it is all so exciting!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Theo finds his toys....again

We put this ball hopper in a container in Theo's room a few months ago. We thought it was running out of batteries and decided to rotate the bigger toys for a while. He found it today and was really excited to play with it. He even remembered how to make it work and was much bettter at it than he had been months ago.

Enjoy the video!

Christmas 2007

We had a great Christmas visiting our families. Theo enjoyed having all of his grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins to play with. There was never a dull moment, but it was also very relaxing and low-key. It's amazing to think that next Christmas there will be another child there to enjoy the season with. Seeing Christmas through a little child's eyes makes it so much more meaningful to me. I have to continually remind myself to find ways to show him (and his new little brother or sister) the real meaning of Christmas, but also allow him to enjoy the presents/Santa part, too.

Here are a few pictures from our week in Port Orchard/Olalla