... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis: T - 10 days

... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis

What's going on up here anyhow?

Monday, January 14, 2008

T - 10 days

We've had another calm evening at home. Theo and I went to our last day working at the homeschool program that I teach for. We're usually there from 9:15am-2:15pm every Monday, so it will be strange not to go next week.

No baby news (yet again), but we can distinctly feel the baby's back between my front and right side. It's in a good position for birth, so we'll just hope it stays that way. We've talked a little more about baby names and are coming close to having names chosen. I had forgotten how hard it is to pick a name that you won't mind saying 100+ times a day for your child's entire life. I have to remind myself that Theodore was himself the moment we named him and I can't imagine him being called anything else.

Theo took himself for a "hay ride" on the silo of his Little People farm this evening. He comes up with the most creative (and unsafe) way to use his toys. I'll have to make sure and keep his little baby brother or sister up off of the floor until they are large enough to scream for help. He really likes to sit on things. :)


At 10:06 PM, January 15, 2008 , Blogger Frogs Mom said...

'Hay Ride' I love it! I see he also has his trusty snack cup...


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