... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis: 10/01/2007 - 11/01/2007

... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis

What's going on up here anyhow?

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Lunch with Lucas

Our friends, Lucas and Michele, came to lunch yesterday. They hadn't been over before and it was really nice to be able to just sit and talk while the kids played. There was a fair amount of arguing over toys (the boys did this, not the mom), but they actually played together very well. We'll have to do this again soon. As the days get shorter, wetter, and colder, we moms need to stick together and find ways to keep our kids (and us) from getting cabin fever!! Theo napped in the morning before they came, in the afternoon after they left, and slept from 9pm-7am without waking up. He must've been worn out from all of that fun!

Here they are enjoying watching us make their lunch. You can see the excitement on their faces......."Food!"

Saturday, October 20, 2007

2nd year of our new tradition...the bad & the good

We took Theo to his 2nd Huskies game today. Andy was supposed to go with our friend Aaron (a devout Oregon Ducks fan), but Aaron's Dad got tickets to the game, too, so Andy didn't have anyone to go with. Andy's Dad was going to go with him, but I decided that I wanted to go and take Theo (Thanks for giving up your ticket, Grandpa Doug!). We had a great time. We barely made it to the Northgate shuttle and Theo loved running from the car to the bus. He thought standing up on the bus (on our laps) was really cool and it made me long for transportation without the hassle and coldness of carseats. I know they make kids safer, but it's hard to leave them in the back seat all alone. Luckily, Theo doesn't seem to mind (now that he's older) and usually entertains himself by singing or just goes to sleep. During the game, Theo ate....and ate....and ate....and ate....you get the idea. He ate a whole sandwich, lots of Cheerios, cheese, grapes, and a bite of my cookie. We had forgotten his water cup, so he had to drink out of our huge Nalgene bottle. It wasn't the neatest way to drink, but it worked. At first, Theo wasn't sure he liked all of the clapping, stomping, and yelling. After awhile, he not only got used to it, but joined in. He would even say "woof! woof!" when the Huskies did well and stomp his feet along with the crowd. The bad part of the evening was that the Huskies lost to Oregon (they also lost when we went to the game last year), but we all had a great time. I think we'll make it a tradition! Next year we'll need some help. 2 parents + 2 kids + 3 hours of a football game = not enough hands!

Enjoy the pictures.

The other Lewises

So, as I mentioned in a previous post....Bryan, Kathleen, and Natalie Lewis from Indiana have been here visiting us. Bryan was going to a work conference about solar energy, so he picked a conference happening in Washington and came to see us. We had never met Natalie in person (she's only 11 mo. old), so it was fun for her and Theo to play together since they're so close in age (about 2 months apart). All in all, we didn't do anything too exciting, but we spent lots of time visiting, eating, and watching the kids play. We will miss them all when they leave today. The house will seem awfully quiet without all of them (plus Sandy and Doug who have been staying here, too).

This afternoon, Andy and I are going to a Huskies game!!! We took Theo last year when he was about 10 weeks old, so I guess it's becoming a yearly tradition. We'll leave early this afternoon and brave the wet weather to (hopefully) watch the guys win big! Here are also some pictures of Theo at the game last year.

Enjoy your Saturday. Don't worry, our tomorrow is much, much less busy! We will take time to rest!!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Too much fun

* This picture makes him look sad, but really he's his usual, happy self.

Theo and Natalie don't slow down for a minute. To make matters worse (or just more interesting), Grandpa Doug and Uncle Bryan brought lots of fun grown-up toys with wires, plugs, and shiny lights. Theo couldn't resist reaching for one of them and fell and hit his face. He cried for a few minutes, but he seems to feel fine now....he just looks damaged! He always has a bump or bruise, so I know he's healed before and he'll heal again!

We're going furniture looking for Doug and Sandy's new house and for a dresser for Theo and ?'s room. I'll post any pics if we are met with any type of success.

Off we go!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Hanging up the clothesline

I wanted to re-hang the clothesline (we had taken it down to paint) , so Theo came outside to help me. It was a beautiful day (that was yesterday, of course it's raining really hard today). He had a great time pushing his toy around while I hung up the diapers. He's such a happy boy! Bryan, Kathleen, Natalie and Doug are here now and Andy has left for his Christian school conference for 2 days. I'll post pics of them soon!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Pumpkin Patch

Memaw, Papa, Deryck, Me, Andy and Theo went to Stoney Ridge to the Pumpkin Patch. My Mom (Memaw), Andy and I took Theo to this same patch last year, but he was considerably younger (I think he was about 8 or 9 weeks old). I've put up an old picture from last year for comparison's sake. We had a great time and got some gourds, a pumpkin, delicious cider, and some great pie! Enjoy the pictures. Sorry it took me so long to put them up.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Rub a dub dub, bug's in the tub!

Theo and I take a bath together almost every day. I love taking a nice, long bath and reading a book in the tub. Theo likes to splash all over, fall face first into the water and scare us, and try to stand up in the bathtub. I know it doesn't sound like these 2 bathing experiences would go together very well. That's why they don't happen simultaneously!

Andy and Theo play together while I go take my bath. I close the door, light a candle, fill up the tub (with the requisite "not quite hot enough" pregnant lady bath water) and read, read, read. About 30-45 minutes later, Theo comes in and stands by the tub and splashed his fingers in the water. Last night, I had bubbles in the water (really just baby soap under the running tap. We didn't have any bubbles). Theo loved to get them on his hands and even tried to eat them. He had the cutest foam beard, but we were too slow and couldn't get a picture of it. You'll have to use your imagination.

A few minutes later, Andy got him undressed and plopped him into the tub with me. He got all clean and was back out again pretty quickly since he wouldn't stop trying to stand up. He doesn't understand why his mean parents always want to make sure he doesn't give himself brain damage! In his opinion, we're just holding him back from having fun.

Friday, October 05, 2007

We have heat, but now we don't need it!?!

Andy and Theo vacuumed all of the vents last night. It has been really cold here and we wanted to vacuum before we started using the heater. I was all excited to take it on its maiden voyage (for this fall) today, but we've been having an unusually warm and gorgeous day. I guess it's just another example of how accurate Murphy's Laws are. At least now it's ready when we really need it. Sorry for the fuzziness of the pictures. I always forget to use the flash in the evening.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Oh, the sweetest thing

He sleeps.

He has been running all day long and finally stopped long enough to fall asleep.