... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis: 2nd year of our new tradition...the bad & the good

... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis

What's going on up here anyhow?

Saturday, October 20, 2007

2nd year of our new tradition...the bad & the good

We took Theo to his 2nd Huskies game today. Andy was supposed to go with our friend Aaron (a devout Oregon Ducks fan), but Aaron's Dad got tickets to the game, too, so Andy didn't have anyone to go with. Andy's Dad was going to go with him, but I decided that I wanted to go and take Theo (Thanks for giving up your ticket, Grandpa Doug!). We had a great time. We barely made it to the Northgate shuttle and Theo loved running from the car to the bus. He thought standing up on the bus (on our laps) was really cool and it made me long for transportation without the hassle and coldness of carseats. I know they make kids safer, but it's hard to leave them in the back seat all alone. Luckily, Theo doesn't seem to mind (now that he's older) and usually entertains himself by singing or just goes to sleep. During the game, Theo ate....and ate....and ate....and ate....you get the idea. He ate a whole sandwich, lots of Cheerios, cheese, grapes, and a bite of my cookie. We had forgotten his water cup, so he had to drink out of our huge Nalgene bottle. It wasn't the neatest way to drink, but it worked. At first, Theo wasn't sure he liked all of the clapping, stomping, and yelling. After awhile, he not only got used to it, but joined in. He would even say "woof! woof!" when the Huskies did well and stomp his feet along with the crowd. The bad part of the evening was that the Huskies lost to Oregon (they also lost when we went to the game last year), but we all had a great time. I think we'll make it a tradition! Next year we'll need some help. 2 parents + 2 kids + 3 hours of a football game = not enough hands!

Enjoy the pictures.


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