Christmas Time is Here!!!
Christmastime is here.... Happiness and cheer....Fun for all that children call their favorite time of year! (music from Charlie Brown Christmas). What a great time we've been having here in Port Orchard/Olalla. Theo has been held and snuggled more than he can possibly stand and we've been busy having so much fun. Today we're finally taking things slow and just resting most of the day. We've had breakfast and lunch, but we haven't been anywhere outside of the house yet and it's already 1:30pm! Today is Naoko's (Tyler's girlfriend from Japan; that's Andy's middle brother if you don't know) last day before she heads for home, so we've been playing with Theo and spending time talking and laughing together. This evening we will all meet at a restaurant in Tacoma and have a goodbye dinner with her. I wish she could stay. Theo thinks she is soooo funny and we will all really miss her.