Spring Planting
I planted my strawberry pots today. I'd been meaning to do it for two weeks, but I didn't have quite the right size pots or a drill to make holes for the hangers. It felt good today to get them in the ground and have my plan for hanging them on the fence posts actually work!
Our friends, Anna and Ryan, had this cool box in the garage sale 2 weeks ago and I got it for a steal (they either gave it to me or it cost $1 or something like that) and I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with it, but I knew it was pretty cool. I got the idea to drill some drainage holes in the bottom and make it into an herb garden. I'm growing cilantro, sweet basil, oregano, tarragon, and peppermint. I added a few marigolds to make it look cheerful. The most surprising part about all of this planting is that I did it all (including the drilling) while my kids and my friend Kristin's boys were all playing in the yard (Penny did sleep for part of the time). Maybe I'm more productive if more kids are around. Perhaps that's why God is sending us this new little baby!