House Anxiety!!
I haven't been sleeping very well lately. I have just realized how much work there is to do in the house and yard and how little time and energy I've been having to do it. My schedule will slow down a little bit soon when the college quarter is over. I only have 1 more day of my WWU class and the dance recital is in 2 weeks, so I'll have less dance classes to teach after that. It will be nice, but we'll have to be really responsible since there won't be as much money coming in. Andy will get a summer job I'm sure. Andy reminded me that I don't need to stress about details so much. Our home is ready for the baby. It's not perfect, but it's ours and we'll have lots of times for renovations when I'm not pregnant and sleepy! God has always provided for us and I know he won't leave us now.
Try to sleep! Isn't that the worst advice ever? You can't "try" - you just have to relax. I'm sure you are way more ready than some people will ever be. I love the pictures you post, and the six month one of you is beautiful. Your photographer must really love his subject!
hey, i have those same shoes.... we're practically twins!
i say, don't sleep! sleep is for losers!! hehe. (that's a bit of devil's advocate...)
My recommendation is for chamomile tea, if you are allowed to drink it while you are prego. It won't make you sleepy, but it is very relaxing. My other suggestion is for you to get a body pillow. It's good support for your whole body, and you can cuddle with it like you would with dear old Andy. It's not the same as having your husband next to you, but it does help. Love you!
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