A Quiet Birthday at Home
Yesterday was Andy's 27th Birthday! We have had an inordinately busy week, so I decided to plan a party for him at home...just the 3 of us. We'll have a chance to celebrate with our families when we all get together for Theo's baptism on President's Day weekend. Andy's students gave him a gift (a great dinner gift certificate complete with an offer to babysit while we go out!) and had a cake for him at school.
Theo and I were hanging out with our friends, Stephen and Simeon, while their Dad was at work, so we grocery shopped for dinner, bought Andy's birthday gift (Greatest American Hero: Season 1 and some butter toffee peanuts), and decorated the house with streamers and balloons. They are still up and it looks very festive!
Dinner and dessert were great and quite the adventure for me because they were recipes I had never tried. We had chicken mole' soft tacos and melting chocolate cakes for dessert. Both were delicious. I have linked the names to the recipes, so give them a try. Both of them were incredibly quick, easy and impressive. They both also used mostly ingredients I always have in the cupboard. Who doesn't like that! We actually ate at the table (something we don't often do, but are trying to make a habit of) and Theo happily sat in his bouncy chair and watched us eat. I can't wait until he can sit at the table with us in his high chair. Just another month of so and he'll be ready to start tasting things!
After dinner I sat and nursed Theo for a while and then we watched 1/2 of the pilot of
Greatest American Hero while we ate our yummy dessert. Did you realize that pilot is 2 hours long? The plot is fairly complex, so I guess they needed the extra time to establish all of the characters and such. If you haven't seen it (I never had), you should watch it. It's very charming and somehow believable. Andy's parents say he watched this show faithfully as a toddler and would run to the TV when it came on saying, "Hero Guy!". I can see why he liked it. The characters are easy to like.
Theo fell asleep while we were watching TV, so we tucked him into bed (he woke up about 10 minutes later!) and got ready for bed ourselves. Theo was awake more often than usual, so I didn't get a great night of sleep, but he's cute, so I'm not too upset.
I am just glad that Andy's birthday was a day we could spend time together as a family and celebrate his 1st birthday as a dad! Here's to many more family celebrations together.
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