... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis: Inspired

... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis

What's going on up here anyhow?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


A friend sent me this story and video this morning. I have never felt more inspired and convicted simultaneously. To think that I sometimes say that being a mother of an infant is "hard work". Frankly, I have now realized that I have no idea what hard work truly is or what it means to sacrifice for your child. This father and son really are a picture (to me) of God's unfailing love for us. To think that a person's actions (very difficult actions, too) can be motivated by simply seeing his son's smile....wow. I hope you take the time to check this out and enjoy it. I'm off to pray about how I can truly serve my God by better serving my family.



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