... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis: T - 29

... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis

What's going on up here anyhow?

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

T - 29

I am tired today. We have to leave for VBS in about 10 minutes and we have childbirth class after that. We'll be home around 9:45 or 10:00. Luckily, we got a great night of sleep last night and neither of us woke up until 8:30! That's pretty strange because we usually tend to wake up around 6:45, even on the weekends! I think I'll feel better once my dinner kicks in. We went out for a great breakfast at Diamond Jim's and ate way too much. We both had the pancakes which are about the size of a dinner plate. You may think that when spouses go out to breakfast that constitutes a date. Normally I would agree with you. Today though, we were having a breakfast meeting of sorts. We spent some time coming up with a birth plan in case we need to be transferred from the birth center to the hospital and we also looked over our VBS curriculum for tonight (we soooo plan in advance, don't we). The VBS stuff looks super easy and the birth plan wasn't too hard either. Luckily, we realized we instinctively agree on all of the really important points, so we didn't have to come to any difficult decisions or anything. Mostly, writing all of the details out just reminded me that the baby will be here soon. Not soon enough as far as Andy is concerned. He would really prefer that the baby came soon, so then he would have more time before he went back to teaching in the fall. Once again, we have to give up the control and let God do whatever he is doing. It doesn't hurt to pray though, right??


At 10:33 PM, August 02, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are the cutest person ever. Sometimes I think this is a bit creepy to be reading your's and Andy's thoughts....hmm...kind of stalker-ish, but you gave me the website! :-D I think you are hilarious and I love listening to your writing. Yes, listening, because I can hear you talking and working your thoughts out as you write! :-D Anyways, I cannot wait until the day this baby comes! WHA HOO!! You are a beautiful carrying this child...honestly, SO beautiful! Thanks for letting us read about your life and random thoughts!
Love Heidi Horne


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