... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis: Things I am excited about...

... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis

What's going on up here anyhow?

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Things I am excited about...

* Sandy coming to visit tomorrow
* My mom and dad coming to visit on Saturday
* My 1st baby shower on Saturday! (@DFJ)
* My 2nd baby shower on Sunday! (@ our house.....will it be clean?!?)
* Cool weather today and not needing to turn on any of the ceiling fans
* Recovering the Roly2 (an ottoman/chair thingy that was Herb and Doris's) sometime soon
* Pirates of the Caribbean 2 coming to theaters tomorrow
* Doug's birthday tomorrow
* Having the dishes all done
* Our new dressers and closet "door"
* Hanging up a picture and the new tiny mirrors in our bedroom
* Feeling the baby move
* Having a baby soon!
* Going to Eugene, OR for our anniversary trip in August
* Being married to Andy for 6 years
* Having a loving husband that I love to spend time with and enjoy being married to
* Eating oatmeal chocolate chip cookies
* Going to Youngstock's (the fruit/vegetable stand) on my way home today
* Having oatmeal for breakfast
* Finishing up the last few spots that need to be painted in the bathroom
* Putting new knobs/handles on the bathroom cupboard
* Making our chore list and feeling like a real team
* Too many things to list
Just wanted you to know how many things I have to be excited about in my life. Try making a list like this once in a while. It will show you how many fun things are in your life and all of the things you have to look forward to.


At 12:24 PM, July 08, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

BusyBee's you are's! Hope the Shower goes/went well. A visit to a good fruit stand sounds perfect today! It's very warm and sunny here in 'ComaTown. I plan to get up to Tyler's for a brief visit after work. Post pix of the cabinets in baby X's rooms. Glad Andy gets off at one today,...too warm for his work. NEXT Week at THIS TIME we'll be riding the STP...I guess we'll be near Olympia at this time...??


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