... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis: Yesterday update

... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis

What's going on up here anyhow?

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Yesterday update

Yesterday was really good. The La Leche Leauge meeting was informative and I even saw a couple of people that I know (who I didn't even know were pregnant!). There were also several brand-new moms who shared their (sometimes horrific) experiences and made me feel so happy that we transfered to the birth center. Our appt. with Ann went well. She said I'm super healthy and that everything is measuring right on track. Dr. Mallory has pushed our due date forward to Aug. 24th, but Ann pushed it back to Aug. 30th and said that the baby is measuring exactly right on for 29 weeks (which is how far along we are if the due date is Aug. 30th). Sandy, that means you actually have 11 weeks to get "ready". Whatever "ready" is. :) Ann didn't even weigh me. She did all of the other prenatal appt. stuff. It will be nice to be seen by a practitioner her isn't hyper-obsessed with weight. I have to admit that I had to resist the temptation to go weigh myself in the bathroom. She feels that if I look fine, feel fine, the baby is fine, and my blood pressure is fine, then we don't need to worry about my weight so much. I'm sure she'll still weigh me every couple of weeks, but it's nice not to make a huge deal out of it. The birth class was great. There will be 7 couples, but only 5 were there last night. The teacher (Skai) is very funny and upbeat. This week we are supposed to do our exercises (relaxation practice, squatting, pelvic rocks, Kegels, tailor sit, butterfly, and walks) everyday and also keep track of everything I eat. Part of the Bradley method is making sure you're not eating a bunch of junk. This will be good for me because I've gotten into the habit of eating whatever is fastest and easiest. Not always the best choices. They say it takes 12 weeks to form a new habit, so there's just enough time left to focus on eating right for when the baby comes. I'd better go shower and take Todd for a walk so I can start my exercise for the day!


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