... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis: Being gone for 12 hours is lame

... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis

What's going on up here anyhow?

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Being gone for 12 hours is lame

If you're gone for work during those 12 hours it's lame, even if:
- your wife is out of town
- you had no plans
- you got paid
- and got a tip

I'm exhausted and considering going to bed in about an hour. I'm supposed to go bowling with the Jamaicans from work and our boss, but I think they decided not to go. Anyhow, I need the sleep more.

I'm currently listening to The Long Winters new album and it is as awesome as you would expect it to be... very awesome. Those of you not smart enough to already have a copy can listen to it right here. They are a great band and always good live. I hope they come to Bellingham sometime soon.

On a totally different note I miss Sarah and wish that I could look over at the couch and see this:

However, all I can see is an empty couch (the dog is sleeping by the door instead of on the couch).

Well, I have some Super Nintendo baseball to play before bed. Oh boy!


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