4:30am insomniac!
I'm sure I'll head back to bed soon, but I woke up about 10 minutes ago and couldn't go back to sleep. Theo is in the portable baby bed in my old bedroom at my parents' house just snoozing away. I just couldn't get comfortable. I've heard people say before that you shouldn't nurse (or rock, walk, sing, etc.) a baby to sleep because they'll get conditioned to it and only be able to sleep with you doing whatever you normally do. I strongly disagree. Theo can fall asleep easily just about anywhere (most of the time) and prefers nursing to sleep, but will also just fall asleep on Daddy's shoulder, in the car, on our bed, etc. I'm the one who is conditioned. Andy is still up in Bellingham while we're visiting down here in Port Orchard and I've realized I'm not very good at sleeping by myself. The only way I know to go to sleep is snuggled up against his back (with my rapidly growing belly between us). Theo and I are having a great visit, but I'll be excited to be sleeping with my husband again on Saturday. I guess I'm blessed to have someone that I love and appreciate enough to miss!
Here's a picture of Andy, Todd and me from Christmas 2005
It was cold here without you, but at least I slept through the night... snuggle up with Theo to get back to sleep next time. :)
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