... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis: Ken Griffey Jr.

... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis

What's going on up here anyhow?

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Ken Griffey Jr.

Well, what I really wish I could write about is how Griffey is coming into the final years of his career with the Mariners. How they have won three (or maybe four) World Series titles, and The Kid is approaching Hank Aaron's home run mark in a manner that doesn't make people hate him (unlike a certain incredible baseball player in San Francisco that just doesn't do very well when he opens his mouth). However, the scene displayed to the left has become much more common for my baseball hero.

He also happened to leave our fair region for the beauty that is... Ohio. I'm sure some people like it. But I've been to Ohio, and it certainly is no match for the place I call home. And the team he went to join actually was much worse than the M's (the last two seasons notwithstanding as the Mariners have reverted to mid-1980s form). So now Griffey is ending another injury plagued season in Cincy and someone was smart enough to come up with this comical take on the whole thing. Read it because it makes the whole sad situation funny. Which is one way that we as people like to deal with disappointment. The real disappointment stems from having to convince myself that I really do think Jose Lopez is great when really he's nothing compared to what Griffey was.


At 8:16 PM, September 25, 2005 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andy....the new sports writer! Very interesting article you sent us to. Love the 'surgery punchcard.'

At 9:44 PM, October 04, 2005 , Blogger Nate B said...

Hey man I'm glad to see the blog has been updated finally. I think I'm giving up on my solo job but all the fellas from the wedding and I are writing on one together. You can find it at thfingunknown.blogspot.com. As a disclaimer I do not recommend this website to the easily offended and claim only partial responsibility for the content. Keep up with the teaching dude. Later.

At 6:12 PM, October 28, 2005 , Blogger Nate B said...


At 1:35 PM, October 30, 2005 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Griffey was indeed great. But one of the things that made him enjoyable to watch was his percieved youthful enthusiasm, his big smile and the want that he wanted to play in Seattle. But alas, that was all a fraud. Give me a team of average to good players who want to be here over a great one who pines to be elsewhere. Players like Griffey and A. Rodriguez may think "the grass is greener on the other side of the fence," but in truth, grass can never be greener than it is in Safeco Field because "it always rains in Seattle." Nathan B's anonymous dad


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