The sound of (toddler) silence
Zachary and Theo decided they wanted to fingerpaint today. My sister had given Theo some washable fingerpaints for his birthday, so we were all ready to have some fun! I found a couple of old shirts in my closet and figured out how to make them fit the boys. They fingerpainted for about a 1/2 hour and were very quiet for most of the time. The silence was broken by Theo singing his rendition of "Brown Girl in the Ring" (it goes something like, "brown in the...brown in the....brown in the.....lalalalal"). They made some beautiful pictures and had a very nice time. It's a gorgeous, sunny day today, so we're all getting on our shoes to go play outside!!
This really brings back memories..Cool to see kids "DOING" and not "Viewing"
GDad Doug
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