... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis: Quick Healer

... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis

What's going on up here anyhow?

Friday, March 30, 2007

Quick Healer

Theo was sick night before last and yesterday. He was awake so much during Wednesday night that I'm actually not sure whether he slept or cried more. It was miserable. He just kept getting louder, and louder and louder, and louder. Andy and I weren't sure what to do. We tried the usual suspects; nursing, diaper change, patting his back, rocking him, walking around. Nothing seemed to work. Finally I got out of bed and walked with him in the living room. Within 45 minutes he was finally asleep and slept until about 10:00 the next morning. He woke up stuffy, grumpy and unpleasant in general. Luckily he got happier and healthier as the day went on. Last night he had a miniature crying fit and was asleep within 20 minutes of me taking him into the living room. Just enough time for me to read an article on Mothering Magazine's website and put him back to bed. It was only 4am, so that means we got a lot more sleep than Wednesday night. I feel very rested and refreshed this morning. Theo isn't stuffy anymore and he is back to his usual happy, giggling self. He and Todd are just hanging out on his blanket and sharing his toys.


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