Midwife's Appt.
** I must love all of you a lot because this picture obviously shows my stretch marks which I don't often show to people. :) I guess I should be proud of them. They are proof that we will have another member of our family soon and that that little person really was made inside of me and will come out of me too. It's just so weird to see your body change so much over such a short period of time.
We had an appt. with Ann, our midwife, today. Andy didn't have to work today, so it was nice to have him go with me. He's only had to miss 2 or 3 of the appts. during the whole pregnancy. It is great to really feel like this is "our" pregnancy and not just "my" thing. We still have a couple of weeks left, but Ann said the baby is growing well and in a good position for birth (technically called left occiput anterior, but who wants to get technical, right?). I was concerned that the baby wasn't dropping down into my pelvis, but she said that it is pretty far down already and it's also stretching it's legs up under my ribs which makes it look high, too! Very strange. We're supposed to do lots of walking (about 2 hours today and we still have to walk to childbirth class later) and also do "it" often too. She said that's all we can do to encourage labor at this point. As she put it, midwives have other "tricks" up their sleeve for labor induction, but it's much too early to do anything too drastic at this point. Mostly we have to practice patience. I thought we had already learned that lesson while we waited to get pregnant, but I guess it's a lifelong lesson that we never fully learn.
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