... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis: And the days fly by

... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis

What's going on up here anyhow?

Sunday, September 17, 2006

And the days fly by

How is it that I don't feel like we've done anything today and it's already 4:45? I guess we did go to church, served communion to a shut-in, had lunch, attempted to take a nap with Andy (Theo, of course, woke up 20 minutes after I laid down), and consoled my son after he woke up. He's napping again now and has been for about an hour. My sister, Jennifer, and my Mom are visiting until Wednesday, so we are planning on going out to dinner tonight and taking a drive around Bellingham to show Jennifer all of the cool places in town. Andy is feeling a little under the weather, so I'll be attempting to send him to bed early tonight. I might stay up a little later and watch a movie with my Mom and sister since Theo and I don't have to wake up at 6:45. I really appreciate all of Andy's hard work and his willingness to go to work every day to support us. I was offered a couple of short interpreting jobs for the last week of September, so I have lined up a sitter for Theo. I guess that means I have to start diligently working at actually being able to pump some milk to leave for Theo's babysitter. I pumped some for the first time on Thursday and Andy fed it to him early on Friday morning. I was able to pump about 1/2 oz. on the 1st try. Andy said it took him a couple of minutes to figure out how to get the milk out, but then he finished it in about 12 seconds! I guess I'll have to figure out how to get more out! Wish me luck. Any hints??


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