Between class
We always have about a half hour between these classes on M/W mornings. I usually leave some reading to do, but I feel like a slacker for doing so. Even though we just have to have it done before class I feel like I should do it the night before. Then again, my time management side of the brain tells me that this is the best use of my time.... Unless I spend it on the internet in the computer lab instead of reading, which is exactly what I'm doing right now!
So, it's time to go read! Also, hi to all of the family members who have now signed up to post comments! I'm pretty sure you don't have to, you could have posted anonymously and then written your name in the comments, but now they've got you hooked and you will be included in the statistics on how many people are becoming nerds each year!! :)
As a side note: our instructor asked what the decimal equivalent of 7/8 was today in class (expecting no one to answer) and I piped up with .875. This has cemented my status as geekiest person in the group. But I guess if the shoe fits....
What's the first prime number larger than a hundred?
I saw Mr. Olander walking on Sedgwick when I went to pick up Danny at the ferry. He was wearing a ball cap and sunglasses, but he was instantly recognizable. His other attire included a big blue sweatshirt and khaki walking shorts. Haven't seen him out & about in ages, so I'm glad to know he's still out there!
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