... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis: Theo's 1st bite!

... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis

What's going on up here anyhow?

Monday, May 28, 2007

Theo's 1st bite!

We just finished dinner and what a special dinner it was! I had been a little bit frustrated all day because Theo just isn't showing any interest in eating big people food. He ate one bite (quite begrudgingly) of scrambled egg yolk at breakfast and 2 bites of yogurt (sweetened with prune juice, You should try it. It's actually really good and sweet and doesn't taste weird at all). That's all. I should probably explain that he normally only eats at dinner time, but that we thought we should start allowing him an eating opportunity at each meal. That way he can taste different things and see what he likes.

Well, dinner was a success! I had been baking a pork loin and getting everything ready for dinner when I realized that I didn't have anything to feed him. I had tasted the pork loin and it wasn't too spicy, so I cut up a few bits for him and put them on his tray. Andy offered him a bite and he took it! Willingly!!!! After a few more bites from Mama and Daddy he......FED A BITE TO HIMSELF! What a moment! He was full after that bite, so he didn't eat any more. It was the most he's eaten lately and the happiest he has been at the table.

We are very proud of his new skill and will continue to try to tempt his palate with new flavors and textures. Of course, mamamilk is still his very favorite and hopefully will be for a long time.


At 10:39 PM, May 29, 2007 , Blogger Frogs Mom said...

How exciting! Lucas has started getting interested in foods after about two months of offering.


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