... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis: 04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007

... but you can't take the 'Ham out of the Lewis

What's going on up here anyhow?

Monday, April 30, 2007

Our little sweet potato

Theo ate sweet potatoes for the 1st time today. We both agreed that it's the first food we've given him that he actually seems to like. He's had avocado, banana, pear, plain yogurt, and sweet potato so far. All of the other foods went in and were swallowed, but the sweet potatoes actually caused a few grins and a much more quickly opening mouth. He still doesn't eat much (maybe 1 or 2 Tbsp. per day), but he likes his meal time and it's great for us to all sit down to dinner together as a family.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Theo's little friend

I have mentioned our new friend Zachary and his mom, Kristin, before. We went to Z's birthday party last weekend. Theo and I (and Todd most of the time, too) have been getting our daily exercise by walking with K & Z around our neighborhood or on the trial nearby. It is so wonderful to have great new friends right here close by! I know that the boys will continue to become close friends as they get older. I can already see that they recognize eachother when we walk. Theo always gives Z the cutest smiles. Here is a cute pic of the 2 of them yesterday. We couldn't walk today. Dang rain!!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Isn't he cute?

This is the cutest, most adorable baby I have ever seen. His face is so handsome and charming. His smile is beyond beautiful. And his personality is fun and friendly. I consider myself extra lucky to be his mama.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

6 days, really??

Theo hadn't pooped in 6 days. "They" say that is totally normal for a kid his age and he is still happy and healthy, so we weren't too worried. I was at a church committee meeting, so Andy had to deal with the disgusting explosion. Totally gross! Thought you needed to see this pic.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Theo's 1st baby friend birthday party

(This is actually a picture from Andy's and my birthday party in February,
but I didn't have any pictures from today's party!)

We all went to a birthday party for our friend, Zachary, this evening. He will be one year old on Monday. Theo and I met Zachary and his mom, Kristin, at a mom's group here in town. They live a few blocks away, so we've been getting together to walk a few times a week. Being at another child's 1st birthday made me realize that it won't be long before we're celebrating with Theo!! Yeah for Birthdays!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

My boy and his dog

Theo has always loved Todd, but it is so sweet to me that Todd obviously loves Theo, too. Even though Theo can now reach for him, grad his hair, pat him, and will soon be able to chase him I'm sure, Todd still sits patiently next to him and just enjoys being his dog. We are so blessed to have both of these neat guys as part of our family. Theo is extraordinarily gentle with Todd and actually kindof pets him (which I think is unusual for a baby to do so gently). Here they are playing this morning on their blanket (which they both use equally. I think I'll start calling it "their" blanket instead of "Theo's" blanket)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Just like Mary Poppins said

It was a beautiful day here on Saturday and we were sitting around the house in the afternoon with nothing to do. After a brief discussion of what to do with the rest of our day we grabbed the kites and hopped in the car and headed to Zuanich... we were not the only people to notice the nice weather with a breeze (which was a strong wind down by the bay).

Here is a brief photo summary of how Theo enjoyed the time at the park. He really liked to watch the stunt kite fly back and forth. Also, the big kite with the long tail was HUGE. The tail was 100 ft. long!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Grandparent visit and Theo's first solid meal

Andy had this week off for spring break. It's been so nice to be able to spend the whole day together every day. We started our week off by visiting our folks for a few days. Doug and Andy took me and Theo to the restaurant where Tyler works on Monday. I had the best smoked salmon omelet I've ever tasted! It even had capers!! My favorite! What is a caper anyway? I digress...

Theo seems really interested in our food (and had been showing more and more interest in what I was eating for the last week or so), so we decided to let him try some food himself. We fed him small bits of smashed avocado. He ate it and seemed like he wanted more, but he always makes this weird, confused face when the food first goes into his mouth. It is very funny to watch. We fed him more avocado on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and tried bits of banana on Thursday, too. I would say that he like the avocado most at this point, but he still seems to greatly prefer his mamamilk over the real people food anyway.

We had a great time visiting with our families and Theo even had a chance to do some telecommuting with his Papa. He loves taking our glasses off our faces, so I'm not surprised that he liked Papa's headphone for work.

We came home mid-week and have been lazing about since then. Theo has been sleeping well which means we have been sleeping well, too! Time off is definitely one of the assets of being in a teacher's family!

I'm mostly glad that Theo and his Daddy had lots of time together this week (I went to work alone a few times and even had breakfast with a friend one day!). He is growing up so fast (see how big his feet are in the last picture...oh wait, those are my shoes!). He will be a big boy before we know it, so we're doing our best to capture and enjoy this brief time of his littleness.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Theo's 1st Easter Egg Hunt!

This is a little bit of backward blogging. Theo and I went to his very first egg hunt last Tuesday. I had forgotten my camera, so a couple of other moms took some pictures and they just e-mailed them to me. The egg hunt was at church and it was specifically designed for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. There were about 40 kids there...mostly 3-5 yr. olds. Theo had a great time watching all of the older kids and playing with them. He even found 1 egg and picked it up himself (ok, ok I admit that I just held him over the egg until he finally got interested then he picked it up and I strategically held his basket under his hand until he lost interest and dropped it in). Most of the kids were running around crazily grabbing eggs and eating candy, but Theo was content to sit and pet the grass (this was one of his first times sitting in the grass) and play with his toes. All in all, a wonderful, memorable time.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

His first swing at the park!

Theo went with us to the park today and took a ride on the swing... He loved it! It's nice to have more enjoyable weather so we can do things outside. Here he is enjoying the ride:

for the enjoyment of those who could not be in attendance at this momentous event we also have video footage for your viewing pleasure!